Fair Play 101 Workshops Headed Your Way

I’m super excited to announce that I’ll be hosting a series of in-person Fair Play 101 workshops that will take place throughout South Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania in the upcoming weeks and months. If you’re looking for ways to build a strong foundation for your family, then the Fair Play Method is the perfect solution for you.

As a postpartum mindset coach and a mother myself, I understand firsthand the challenges that come with managing the mental load and the invisible labor that goes into running a household and building a family. My own marriage ended over these issues, and I believe now that the Fair Play Method could have helped us avoid divorce had it existed in the early years of my marriage.

When my partner and I started our family, I was home on maternity leave while he returned to his teaching job. I found myself managing everything on my own, from homeschooling my kiddos to running my business to managing all aspects of running our household. It was a lot. It became overwhelming, to say the least, and although we were spending hours (and lots of cash) on marriage therapy, I just didn't have the words to explain why I was constantly angry with my partner.

It wasn't until years after my divorce was finalized that I discovered Laura Danger ("That Darn Chat") on TikTok and was introduced to the Fair Play Method. I knew then that I had to add this approach to my postpartum support offerings so that I could help other couples figure out these issues before the stress and tension became too much.

The Fair Play Method is a game-changing approach to managing the mental load and invisible labor of running a household and building a family. It is a practical and empowering system that helps couples establish clear communication, shared responsibilities, and accountability, which ultimately leads to a happier, healthier, and more harmonious home life.

Using the Fair Play Method, you and your partner will learn how to divide household tasks and responsibilities fairly, based on your individual strengths and preferences. You will also learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care, which are all essential skills for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

In addition to benefiting you and your partner, the Fair Play Method can also benefit your children. When parents have a fair division of labor and clear communication, they are better able to provide a stable and supportive environment for their children. Children benefit from seeing their parents work together and communicate effectively, which can have a positive impact on their emotional and mental well-being.

If you’re curious about the Fair Play Method, I highly recommend watching the documentary "Fair Play" on Hulu. It offers a great introduction to the method and its benefits. Make it a date night!

Additionally, I invite you to visit my website to learn more about how I can help you and your partner improve communication and balance out the mental load in your home. There, you'll find information about my workshops and coaching services that can support your journey toward a happier and more balanced relationship.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn the Fair Play Method and transform your family life. I hope to see you at one of my upcoming workshops and hold your hand as you take the first step towards a happier and more balanced home life.

Tiff Dee

Hey there! I’m Tiff. I believe in challenging the status quo and rejecting the pressure to conform to society's expectations of parenthood. As a parent myself, and a certified birth worker and educator with over two decades of experience, I know that traditional parenting advice can often be rigid, outdated, and simply not relevant in the modern world.

That's why I take a radically different approach. My planning and mentorship program will empower you to embrace your own unique parenting style, while providing practical advice and support along the way. Whether you're dealing with sleepless nights, feeding challenges, or the overwhelming feeling of being a new parent, I’ve been there.

As an anti-perfectionist, I'm passionate about empowering caregivers to trust their instincts and navigate the highs and lows of parenting with confidence and ease.


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