Placenta Encapsulation Services

naturally Avoid postpartum anxiety and depression with the power of your placenta.

Triple Certified. Serving Central and South Jersey, Philadelphia, and Delaware. Nearly 1800 placentas processed since 2012.

What’s Inside?

  • The history of placenta as a postpartum remedy.

  • What is placenta encapsulation, anyway?

  • What are the reported benefits of taking placenta pills?

  • What’s the process? How do you turn my placenta into capsules?

  • How do I sign up for my encapsulation?

Placenta Encapsulation Packages

Placenta Encapsulation Plus

    • Placenta Transport Kit (soft-sided cooler bag with all supplies needed for safe packaging and transport of your placenta to my workspace)

    • Instructions for Safe Packaging and Storage

    • Placenta retrieval from your birthplace (within 30 minutes of 08034)

    • Safe processing of your placenta into capsules

    • Placenta capsules in proper storage container

    • Complete written dosage and storage instructions

    • Placenta Tincture (a bit of your placenta powder steeped in 100 proof vodka - can be used through menopause!)

    • Dried Umbilical Cord Keepsake

    • Return Delivery of Your Completed Package

    • 6 Weeks of On-Call Support via text, email, video messaging, or voice notes

    • 6 Weeks of Access to my virtual Postpartum Hangout Support Group

  • $400

Basic Encapsulation

    • Placenta Transport Kit (soft-sided cooler bag with all supplies needed for safe packaging and transport of your placenta to my workspace)

    • Instructions for Safe Packaging and Storage

    • Placenta retrieval from your birthplace (within 30 minutes of 08034)

    • Safe processing of your placenta into capsules

    • Placenta capsules in proper storage container

    • Complete written dosage and storage instructions

    • Return Delivery of Your Completed Package

  • $350

Bare Bones Encapsulation

    • Placenta Transport Kit (soft-sided cooler bag with all supplies needed for safe packaging and transport of your placenta to my workspace)

    • Instructions for Safe Packaging and Storage

    • Safe processing of your placenta into capsules

    • Placenta capsules in proper storage container

    • Complete written dosage and storage instructions

    • Return Delivery of Your Completed Package



  • $300

I’m Tiff. the Placenta Girl.

And my first postpartum SUCKED. I struggled for over three years with postpartum anxiety.

But the second time around, with a postpartum plan and my placenta pills, I OWNED my fourth trimester.

If you want to cover all your bases and add placenta pills to your postpartum toolkit, I’m your girl.