Postpartum Hangout For SPICY Moms

Woman with colorful tattoos and blue hair holds a baby boy wearing striped shirt

If you’re a little bit extra you’re in the right place.

Here, you can be real and as extra as you need to be—no masks, no bras unless you want one, and definitely no pretending. This is the space where you can share whatever you're excited, nervous, or embarrassed about. I’m talking the real stuff of motherhood. The stuff no one wants to talk about or admit. Like that time you completely lost it and yelled at your baby. Who does that, right? Well, turns out, lots of us do. And that’s exactly why this group exists—because we’ve all been there.

Mother comforting child on a sofa with laundry basket nearby

Feel like you’re carrying it all?

And for the mom who’s doing it all: managing every task, every worry, and every detail—juggling an endless list that leaves no room for yourself.

If you’re exhausted, mentally ready to tap out, and wondering if you’ll make it through this season of life, you’re in the right place.

You deserve to feel seen and validated.

You’re working hard every day and every night to meet your baby’s needs. It’s time you get some of your needs met, too. Here, we see you. We see how hard you’re trying. And we know how hard it can feel sometimes.

Hey! I’m Tiff. Spicy Mom.

Person with sunglasses blowing bubblegum, wearing black top and ripped jeans, on pink background with words: Birthworker, ADHD, Activist, Anti-perfectionist, Educator, Mom.

I had such a hard time adjusting to life as a mom—my baby’s cries were overwhelming, I missed my old routines, and I couldn’t quite figure out how to get my needs met. Hell, I couldn’t even figure out what my needs were, let alone ask for them to be met.

When I was in the trenches of early motherhood, I didn’t have anyone in my life who seemed to be struggling like I was. I felt totally isolated, even at the mommy and me groups (especially at the mommy and me groups) and I don’t want any other moms to feel the way I did. That’s why I offer this group.

I’m Not a Therapist

I’m a mom. Just like you. Only I’m a decade or so ahead. And yeah, I’ve got these extra certifications and I’ve read a billion books and listened to a billion podcasts (what can I say? ADHD hyperfocus and autistic special interest) but honestly? We don’t really need any of that to support each other.

What we really need is each other. We’re moms. We need each other.

That all being said, I get why you’d wonder, “Who is this chick and what makes her qualified?” So…I’m a Perinatal Mental Health Specialist, certified through Postpartum Support International. That means I’ve got training and experience in understanding the mental and emotional challenges that can come with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. I’m here to help you make sense of it all, offer support, and share strategies that can make a real difference in navigating this wild ride. But just to be clear, I’m not a therapist, and this group isn’t a substitute for therapy if that’s what you need. My job is to provide you with a safe space, offer practical tips, and share my lived experience so you don’t feel like you’re going through this alone.

We meet Tuesdays at 10 AM EST. Message me with any questions. I hope you’ll join us.

Shoot me a message if you’d like to join us.