The Bittersweet Beauty of Motherhood After Loss

As a mother who has experienced the highs and lows of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, I want you to know that I understand. I have been where you are, and I am here to help you navigate the challenges of new motherhood.

When I first got pregnant, I thought I had it all figured out. I was lucky enough to have an easy life up until then, and I assumed that everything would continue to go my way. But then I got sick during my first trimester and was hospitalized with pneumonia. That experience was a wake-up call that bad things can happen to anyone, even to those who think they are immune to suffering.

And then, after the birth of my first child, everything changed. My son was born prematurely and died shortly after birth, leaving me devastated and forever changed. I struggled to cope with my grief and found myself consumed by fear and anxiety when I became pregnant again. I did everything in my power to keep my second pregnancy healthy and full-term, but even then, things didn't go as planned. My baby was breech and I had to undergo a c-section, which led to a difficult postpartum experience that strained my marriage and left me feeling isolated and alone.

But through the birth of my third baby, I learned that there can be a silver lining.

My third baby, also conceived via IVF, was born peacefully at home. His birth, and my fourth-trimester experience with him, were everything I had dreamt of. I learned from him that with the right support, guidance, and resources, it is possible to own your postpartum and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

I'm here to share my experiences and expertise with you and help you navigate the ups and downs of new motherhood. My mission is to empower you to take charge of your fourth trimester and be an active participant rather than a victim of it. While there are certain events we cannot control, it is possible to take charge and thrive during this transformative time.

Because I know firsthand what it's like to feel scared, overwhelmed, and alone. But I also know that with the right mindset, tools, and community, you can thrive as a new mother. That's why I'm committed to helping you build a sense of trust and connection with me, and to providing you with the resources and support you need to feel empowered and confident as a new mother. So if you're nervous about your postpartum, struggling with postpartum challenges, or just need someone to talk to, I’m here.

Tiff Dee

Hey there! I’m Tiff. I believe in challenging the status quo and rejecting the pressure to conform to society's expectations of parenthood. As a parent myself, and a certified birth worker and educator with over two decades of experience, I know that traditional parenting advice can often be rigid, outdated, and simply not relevant in the modern world.

That's why I take a radically different approach. My planning and mentorship program will empower you to embrace your own unique parenting style, while providing practical advice and support along the way. Whether you're dealing with sleepless nights, feeding challenges, or the overwhelming feeling of being a new parent, I’ve been there.

As an anti-perfectionist, I'm passionate about empowering caregivers to trust their instincts and navigate the highs and lows of parenting with confidence and ease.

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