Breaking Free from the 'Yeah, But' Mentality: Embracing an Open-Minded Approach to Motherhood

When I work with clients, I see a lot of internal struggle with this whole, “Yes, but…” mentality. 

Are you a "yeah but" mom or an open-minded mom? This is an important question to ask yourself, as it can impact your ability to seek and receive support. By being open-minded and willing to try new things, you can find the support and solutions you need to thrive in motherhood, even when they feel foreign or strange to you.

In my postpartum preparation sessions, I help my clients reject societal norms that don’t align with their personal values. However, I am often met with resistance in the form of this “yeah, but” mentality.

For example, if a client is struggling with getting some sleep, I might suggest bedsharing - "Yeah, but…"

Or, if they're stressing over folded laundry or a daily dog walk, I might suggest they let go of those tasks in the beginning - "Yeah, but…"

If someone is having trouble getting dinner on the table or keeping their house clean, I might suggest they revisit their budget and invest in temporary support - "Yeah, but…"

We all have moments when we resist new ideas or ways of doing things, but being stuck in a pattern of “that won't work for me”, without really exploring the idea first, can hold us back from growth and joy in motherhood. 

On the other hand, being willing to try new things, even if they feel unfamiliar or challenging at first, can open up new possibilities and solutions. So the next time you catch yourself saying “Yeah, but”, pause and ask yourself, “Is this helping me or limiting me? How might I approach this situation with an open mind?”

 You might be surprised by what you discover.

Tiff Dee

Hey there! I’m Tiff. I believe in challenging the status quo and rejecting the pressure to conform to society's expectations of parenthood. As a parent myself, and a certified birth worker and educator with over two decades of experience, I know that traditional parenting advice can often be rigid, outdated, and simply not relevant in the modern world.

That's why I take a radically different approach. My planning and mentorship program will empower you to embrace your own unique parenting style, while providing practical advice and support along the way. Whether you're dealing with sleepless nights, feeding challenges, or the overwhelming feeling of being a new parent, I’ve been there.

As an anti-perfectionist, I'm passionate about empowering caregivers to trust their instincts and navigate the highs and lows of parenting with confidence and ease.

He's arrived. And he has passed.


Parenting Upstream Feels Lonely. But You Are Not Alone.