Reclaiming Motherhood

I’ve never been much for conforming to society's standards, but since I live in this society, it’s nearly impossible to avoid being sucked in every now and then. 

Trying to live up to the ideals that society had prescribed to me is what lies at the root of what triggered my postpartum anxiety.

These days, I’m constantly reminding myself that breaking free from conformity and living in alignment with my own values and needs is the only way to liberation. 

Societal expectations can lead us down paths that don't resonate with what we really want out of our own lives. We end up feeling resentful and stressed and angry and disconnected from who we really are. 

They don’t care about us, so why do we continue to make ourselves insane?

The truth is that society, with its outdated norms and unrealistic ideals, doesn’t give a f*ck about us. So instead of following the predefined paths that the world has set up for us, I want us all to make moves to reclaim our autonomy, not only as individuals but as mothers. 

This means prioritizing our inner compass over external pressures and living a life that reflects who we are and what we believe in. You want to dedicate your entire life to a neat and organized home, and to playing with your kids? Fantastic. Do your thing, Mama. You feel like you’re a better mom because you work outside of the home and your kids are in daycare? Girl, kick ass out there. 

(I’ll never understand why any one of us gives a $hit about how the other is doing the mom thing.)

The point is that when we skip a trip down the road of self-discovery, it’s easy to fall prey to what society expects of you. Without figuring out who you really are, it’s kind of difficult to find fulfillment because you really can’t put a finger on what really lights you up, which makes it near impossible to take care of your own well-being and blaze your own path in this strange world.

So many of us have lived an entire lifetime trying to meet the needs and demands and expectations of everyone around us, and we haven't spent even a minute thinking about what is it that we need, desire, and expect. 

Do this, but not that.

  • Work but don't work too much.

  • Breastfeed, but only when, where, and for how long we say is appropriate.

  • Be attached but not too attached.

  • Earn your own money but prioritize family over career.

  • Get your body back but don't spend too much time at the gym.

  • Keep a clean and organized home but don't neglect quality time with your kids.

  • Stay social but don't neglect your family.

  • Provide healthy meals but don't be too strict about it.

  • Set boundaries but be understanding.

Dude. WTF?

It’s my mission here to support you as you tap into who you truly are and break free from the chains of societal standards so you can do the mom thing in a way that aligns with your own authentic self and do what feels right for you. 

Take some time and think about it. What is it that YOU want out of motherhood? Out of life? 

When you figure this out and begin to live your life in alignment with what it is YOU want, you’ll start to feel more fulfilled as both a mom and as an individual. And you’ll be setting an example for your kiddos as they grow, showing them the importance of authenticity and self-determination in building a meaningful life. 

And then maybe this world will have a chance.


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